Saturday, January 15, 2011


For many years now just before Thanksgiving I debate on should I or shouldn't I send Christmas cards. If I send cards do I send a letter or do I personalize each card, we could always send a picture card, but then does that mean I have to have a photo taken or do I use one that we have from the year?? This pattern of thought runs thru my head for several weeks, and even a hint of guilt will pop in there.

My co-worker thinks one should personalize each card sent out. Hmmm so that is when I start looking back at the year thinking about what we have done and accomplished as a family. I think about the last time I sent cards and how many I started and did not finish or send out for one reason or another.

Usually a week before Christmas, I have either exhausted myself with these thoughts or I give in and rush around to send out cards and half get out and half get started and never see the light of the post office.

So this year I decided I would send out Happy New Year cards. No pressure on getting them somewhere by a certain date and letting people know I appreciate being thought of and that I am thinking of them too. Ohhh even better I could make them! One of my favorite things making cards (I have many usually to do with crafting).
I use 12 x 12 cardstock and I can cut two cards from it, then I have some left over scraps as the scrapbookers like to call them.

On my large paper cutter I cut my paper down to 11" turn one time and cut 8" then I turn the paper one more time and cut 5 1/2 ". You should have two cards 5 1/2 x 8". You now fold the 8" in 1/2 to make your card.

One of my favorite tools is my Cricut Expressions die cutting machine. I don't know what I would do without it. I cut out the Happy New Year in 3/4", the hat in 1 1/2". I 'm not sure which cricut cartridge I used but I can find out if someone is interested.
I have made 14 of these and have half of them sent out, will I get the rest done????
Yes that is one of my resolutions "To complete a task I start".
Happy New Year Everyone!

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